Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cinnamon Ornaments

Peighton and I had a great time making these yummy smelling ornaments yesterday!

I'll get some pictures when we hang them on the tree!

Cinnamon Ornaments

1 cup cinnamon

1 cup applesauce

1/2 t. nutmeg

1/2 t. ground cloves

1/2 t. allspice

Mix them all together until it's kind of like playdoh. I had to add a bit of flour to make it a bit less sticky.

Roll out with a bit of flour and cut with cookie cutters.

Poke a hole for hanging with a straw.

Let dry for a couple days.

Tie a few inches of ribbon through the hole and hang on the tree or tie on packages!


Kathie said...

I used to make these with my mom when I was younger. They smell so good!!!

Barbie said...

well you need to make them with Carson now Kathie!!!!

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